Keep the Supplements Simple

showpicThe supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. There number one target…naive, overweight Americans looking for quick fix solutions to getting to a healthy weight. Well I’m here to tell you that 90% of the supplements on the market today are for the most part a waste of money. Take a look at my physique competition picture.  I’m going to tell you exactly what supplements I was taking throughout my 5 1/2 month prep period to get to that conditioning.

1. Isolate Whey Protein Powder– Utilized primarily as my post-workout protein source (45g-50g). Isolate whey protein is simply whey (milk) protein where everything has been removed except the amino acids (proteins). No carbohydrates and no fats, just pure protein. Most isolate protein powders are hydrolized, which makes them extremely easy to digest and absorbed very quickly…which is good after a hard workout of resistance training.

2. BCAA’s– Utilized primarily intra-workout or post-workout depending on if I was having a slower digesting protein source after my workout like a lean meat. BCAA’s are found in all complete protein sources, so if you’re eating plenty of protein most of the time they’re not even necessary. When your macronutrient capacities and demands are very high they can be beneficial during or immediately after a long, hard bout of exercise.

3. Digestive Enzymes– When you’re eating as many calories as I was you want to maximize macronutrient breakdown and digestion. Digestive enzymes help to do this if you take them consistently. I would take 1-2 capsules every other meal. I will caution you that I’ve heard they can cause some people gas, but I did not experience this.

4. Omega Fatty Acids- Omega fatty acids are crucial for numerous reasons (muscle growth, joint health, hormone production, protein transports…among others). When you’re eating extremely clean and controlling every gram of fat you intake, you have to supplement in some healthy fats to your diet. I use an omega supplement that has a variety of different omega-3 and 6 fatty acids.

5. Creatine Monohydrate- This one I have mixed feeling about whether it’s necessary for physique conditioning purposes. Creatine is a form of energy stored in muscle tissue that’s used primarily during quick, power type movements when oxygen supplies are limited and glycogen breakdown takes to long to yield energy for the movement. Unless you’re a power lifter or someone doing very high-intensity type movements frequently for your workouts I wouldn’t suggest creatine to clients. It also tends to make you feel bloated and hold more water.

6. Pre-Workout Drinks- Pre-workout drinks aren’t for everybody, but I definitely get better pumps and more energy when I drink them before I workout. Most pre-workout drinks are combinations of stimulants, vaso-dilators, nitric oxide boosters, and creatine. The more efficiently your heart can pump fresh oxygenated blood to your hard working muscles, the less fatigued you’ll get and the harder/longer you can workout. All the above mentioned ingredients help with this.

That’s it! KISS-keep it simple stupid! Keep the supplements limited. If you’re eating a well balanced diet and exercising regularly you don’t need a bunch of costly supplements. And please don’t waste your money on “fat burners.” All fat burners are just stimulants and/or thermogenics that increase your heart rate and body temperature which slightly increases your metabolism. Exercising and eating properly portioned meals every 2-3 hours will keep your metabolism rocking!


Please feel free to post any questions or comments on my website or FB business page wall for a discussion! NO B.S. FITNESS!

My Top 5 Tips for Weight Management

Justin Check, Fitness Expert

It can be very confusing for someone to manage their weight with all the fad diets, weight loss gimmicks, and nutrition misinformation out there. So I’m going to tell you my top 5 recommendations that you should always follow that will make weight management easier. No tricks or miracle supplements here…just lifestyle habits that yield permanent results!



“I want to lose weight by eating nothing but moon pies, which have significantly less gravity than earthier foods such as fruits and vegetables.”Jarod KintzI Want

Tip #1

Portion Control– Our bodies require only so many calories and macronutrients at any given time. Everything from gender, activity level, exercise history, muscle mass, and genetic predispositions (just to name a few) dictate one’s daily caloric needs. The easiest way to properly portion your meals is to divide your total needed daily calories evenly across all your meals.

For example, if you need to consume less than 1,500 calories/day to lose weight and you eat 5 meals per day then each of your meals should be no more than 300 calories each. This will not only ensure that you stay under your target calories for the day, but also that your body is burning each meal for fuel and not sending excess calories to fat cells.

Tip # 2

Use MyFitness Pal- The bottom line for losing weight is burning more calories than you consume each day. In order to do this you must keep a food log to track how many calories you’re consuming. There’s a great weight loss tool that I recommend to all my clients called MyFitnessPal. Not only does it roughly calculate your daily calorie needs for you, but it also has an electronic food database with over 2,000,000 food items that you can search and log in your daily diary. By recording everything you eat and drink, you can make sure you stay under your allotted calories for the day and start losing the weight!

Tip #3

Follow the MyPlate Guide-MyPlate was designed by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) to help average Americans manage their weight. The MyPlate nutritional guide helps you to properly balance your calories, make better food choices and develop healthier eating habits. It’s very easy to follow and ensures that you eat a well-balanced diet that satisfies the USDA’s recommendations.

Tip #4

Drink Plenty of Water- The quickest way to add unwanted calories to your daily intake is by drinking sugary, carbonated beverages. Ditch the sodas and all other flavored beverages and replace them with plain water. A general rule of thumb is to drink at least 8 large glasses of water per day, but I recommend at least 1 gallon per day.

Tip #5

Get Plenty of Physical Activity- Exercise not only burns immediate calories, but increases your overall metabolism and caloric needs for the rest of the day. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention) recommends that American adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity every week and 2 or more days of strength training every week. My recommendation is to workout more days/week than not, so a minimum of 4 days/week for at least 60 minutes each.

Forget the fads and one trick fixes. The only way to truly manage your weight is to religiously practice healthy lifestyle habits like the ones mentioned above. You’ll see permanent results, feel good, and know that you’ve earned it!

Feel free to post any questions or comments you have on my Facebook business page: and be sure to check back frequently for my latest blog articles on NO B.S. FITNESS.