One of the main reasons why some people begin working out in the first place is to build more strength. If you’ve been working towards that goal for some time, then you’ve probably at some point hit the inevitable fitness “plateau” where your strength gains cease…it’s bound to happen at some point and it happens to everyone. Luckily, this is perfectly normal and it does not mean the end of your muscle building potential. There are numerous tips and lifting techniques that you can follow and employ to help get you past that dreaded fitness plateau.
1. The Principle of Overload– simply says that a greater than “normal” stress or load is required for muscle adaptation to take place, which means you need a spotter! In order to safely push your body physically and mentally past its current potential, you must have a spotter who knows how to properly spot you during that particular exercise. Your body does not like change, therefore it will always put up defense mechanisms that inhibit you from pushing yourself past that “normal” range of stress or load that it’s unaccustomed to.
2. Employ different strength training techniques– such as:
Eccentric Movements (negatives)- where you focus on slow controlled movements in the opposing direction of an exercise (the down/lowering portion of a press exercise or the returning portion of a pull exercise, etc…)
Drop Sets– where you start with a heavier load and then immediately decrease the weight so you can continue repetitions (best done on machines where you quickly lower weight)
Forced Repetitions– where you have a spotter help “force” you to complete repetitions to muscle failure or to your goal number of reps
Rest/Pause Sets– where you focus on the “sticking point” or hardest point of the movement for a particular exercise (e.g. for a flat chest press you would lower the weight to lowest point of range just above your chest without touching and then hold for a set amount of time before pressing back up)
Compound Sets- where you perform two different exercises back to back that focus on two different parts/heads of the same muscle group (e.g. doing a flat chest followed by an inclined chest fly; although both work the chest, one focuses on pectoral major and the other pectoral minor)
Super Sets- where you perform two different exercises back to back that stress two completely different muscle groups (e.g. a chest exercise followed by a back exercise)
3. Enhance Motor Neuron Unit Recruitment and Deep Muscle Fibers- our muscles are signaled to contract and perform work when our brain tells the motor neuron units in that particular muscle to activate. Depending on the type and intensity of the movement you’re performing determines the amount of motor neuron units that are recruited and the amount/type of muscle fibers that are used. To enhance motor neuron recruitment and engage numerous deep muscle fibers perform power movements for each muscle group which adds the element of speed and intensity (e.g. instead of always doing just a plain flat chest press, try using a bosu ball to do explosive push-ups, or instead of just always doing normal back squats try doing jump squats).
4. Mix Up Your Routine- I know plenty of people where on their “chest day” they always start with flat barbell chest press…sure it’s the most fundamental chest exercise and a staple; however, it’s important to not only mix up the exercises you do, but also the order you do them in. You don’t want to always start with the same exercise for a particular muscle group. Change up the exercises you start and finish with so you can go heavier with different exercise in the beginning of your workout when you’re fresh and then lighter with different exercises towards the end of your workout.
5. Develop Proportionately- I see it all the time…more weight plates stacked on the barbell chest press than on the squat rack. Law of proportion says your upper body’s overall potential will always be limited and determined by your core and lower body strength. Most upper body movements start and stem from the core, so the stronger your core/legs the easier it will be to push and build the rest.
6. Strengthen Secondary & Stabilizer Muscles- Secondary muscles are the smaller muscles that help perform a movement (e.g. for presses the secondary muscle is usually triceps. For pull exercises the secondary muscle is usually biceps/forearms, etc…). Makes perfect sense to me…the stronger your secondary muscles are, the easier it will be for you primary muscles to perform major movement. It’s also important to develop and strengthen stabilizer muscles, which are in all major muscle groups. These muscles help with control, form, and getting that good “squeeze.” Some ways to engage stabilizer muscles is by performing exercises on an unstable surface (like on a bosu ball or without touching the floor) and by utilizing more free weights instead of machines where the weight is on a fixed track.
If you follow these tips and techniques regularly you should have no problem pushing through those infamous plateaus. Make sure you change up your routine regularly and use all of the above mentioned training techniques with every muscle group. Now get building!!!!
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