Fitness Meal Planning & Nutrition Coaching

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Have you ever heard that your diet determines 80% of your fitness results? Are you busting your butt every week in the gym and not seeing significant changes in your physique? Then you are in need of meal planning! My name is Justin Check, NSCA certified personal trainer and certified fitness nutrition coach. If you’re ready to start eating for function and obtain your best physique possible, then Check Total Health’s meal planning service is your answer!

Our meal plans are custom designed to your body type, schedule, taste preferences, and of course fitness goals. We use these key elements along with the USDA’s recommendations to build a plan for you that balances your calories and macros appropriately throughout the day. Your meal plan package includes a body composition analysis, a macro summary/breakdown for all your meals, numerous macro options with your portion sizes for each meal (so you don’t have to eat the same things over and over again), and a guide sheet on appropriate cooking/prepping options for all your food items…after all, variety is the spice of life!

Meal planning is a process, so plans are typically reviewed and revised every 2-3 weeks depending on results. Weight check-ins are done 2x/week, once on Monday evenings after your final meal of the day (upper range) and once first thing on Friday mornings  before you eat or drink anything (lower range). This not only helps to with accountability, but also helps to determine weight fluctuations from your current plan. Nutrition coaching is given throughout the process along with unlimited revisions to your plan until you reach your weight/physique goal.

Have questions about the meal planning process, or are you ready to get started on your new physique? You can email me with your questions or to request a meal plan form and get started! You only get one body…make it a healthy, strong, energetic, fit one!

Justin Check, NSCA-CPT, FNC
Check Total Health - questions? or request meal plan form

Use the Glycemic Index


Glorious carbs carbs carbs! The mind and body craves no other macro-nutrient more than those oh so satisfying carbohydrates…and for good reason. Your skeletal muscle, organs, and central nervous system are programmed to primarily run on carbohydrates making them crucial for optimal physical and mental performance. Have you ever tried going more than a day or two without eating any quality carbohydrates? Lets just say your friends will be buying you a snickers! So for the sake of your body, mind, and friendships make sure you have some carbs in your life, but like most things you need to be picky about which carbs you choose to have…especially when trying to obtain a certain physique. Carbs can be your worse enemy when trying to lose body fat and control insulin levels, which is why you must understand the Glycemic Index to be successful.

Once ingested, all carbohydrates are broken down into the simplest form of energy to the body called glucose and then is either used right away for fuel or stored as glycogen in the liver and skeletal muscle for later use. If you’re not an active person and/or do not have a good amount of muscle mass to sustain then your body’s glycogen capacity is going to be limited, therefore increasing the likelihood of those carbohydrates being sent to fat cells.

*Fun Fact:     One of the greatest benefits (in my opinion) of doing resistance training regularly is an increase in glycogen capacity meaning you get to eat more carbs without fueling fat cells!

Another big factor that determines how those carbs you just ate are going to be used and where they’ll go is the Glycemic Index. The Glycemic Index is a numerical index that ranks carbohydrates based on their rate of glycemic response (their conversion to glucose within the human body). The Glycemic Index uses a scale of 0 to 100, with higher values given to foods that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar. Pure glucose (glycogen) is used as a reference point and is given a Glycemic Index (GI) value of 100. The other factor to Glycemic Index is the carbohydrates Glycemic Load. (click here to learn more about Glycemic Load)

*FYI- For most people, higher Glycemic carbohydrates (70-100 GI) should only be utilized pre- and/or post-exercise. Lower to moderate Glycemic carbohydrates (35-65 GI) should then be used for the rest of your meals and tapered down as you become less active and closer to bed time.

Now that you understand what the Glycemic Index is, it’s  time to put it in effect and modify your carbohydrate intake accordingly to reach your personal fitness goals. Here’s an example of the carbohydrate structure I follow when I’m trying to slowly reduce body fat and maintain current muscle mass. Again, portion sizes will vary greatly person to person depending on current condition, activity level, and fitness goals.

Meal 1 (breakfast): I have roughly a 50/50 mixture of Low-Moderate Glycemic carbs (45-65 GI) and Moderate-High Glycemic carbs (70-90 GI). For example: old fashioned oats sweetened with a little sugar and mixed berries, or gluten-free/Ezekiel bread with low-sugar jam or a piece of fruit, or plain cream of white rice with a fiber powder. There’s lots of options out there for each…check out the Glycemic Index for more.

Meal 2 (Post-Workout): Moderate-High Glycemic carbs (70-90 GI). Some examples include: banana, cereals/bars, white rice, and white potato. Occasionally a muffin or pastry after a long, vigorous workout.

Meals 3, 4, 5, 6: A blend of Low-Moderate Glycemic carbs (45-65 GI). Some examples include: Long grain rice with mixed vegetables, or sweet potato with mixed vegetables, or old fashioned oats with mixed berries.

Meal 7 (1 hour before bed): NO CARBOHYDRATES! Remember, carbohydrates are used for fuel…if you’re not active or have not been active for numerous hours then there’s probably no need for more fuel!

*Fun Fact!: Fats help reduce the glycemic response of carbohydrates, so adding a little dietary unsaturated fat (nuts, nut-butters, vegetable/nut oils, avocado, etc…) to your meal will help to off-set the insulin response.

This is just an example carbohydrate structure that I follow when maintaining my current weight and trying to very slowly lower body fat. Everyone’s body is different and their carbohydrate needs are different, so start with a similar carbohydrate structure and then adjust according to results. If you’re not losing weight/body fat, then cut portions down slightly across meals.

Have a question about the Glycemic Index or are you in need of help with meal planning and nutrition coaching? Feel free to contact me directly or leave your questions/comments below for a discussion.

Justin Check, NSCA-CPT, FNC
Check Total Health



Top 3 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Body Fat

Fat woman give up wearing her tight jeans with measuring tape around her belly, a concept to start diet

“I want to lose weight by eating nothing but moon pies, which have significantly less gravity than earthier foods such as fruits and vegetables”          – Jarod Kintz

“We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons”          – Alfred Newman

A couple of funny quotes that exemplify very well the general mindset and view most people have of food today. For many, what they’re going to eat on a daily basis is an afterthought or not even a thought at all! The result is 2/3 of adult Americans are overweight, of which over half are obese. Heart disease, COPD, and diabetes are at an all-time high, as well as certain cancers. The solution is very simple people…start eating properly!

The eating habits of most people today have gotten so bad that in many cases they can usually see and feel great results just by changing a few simple things about their eating habits. Here’s the top 3 detrimental eating mistakes you’re probably making that are hindering your potential for fat loss.

  • Not Balancing Calories Properly- Overeating is obviously the biggest contributor to weight gain. A common mistake people make is thinking that eating 2,000 calories/day over 2-3 meals is the same as eating 2,000 calories/day over 5-6 meals. At the end of the day your net calories are the same; however, the impact on your body is very different. Your body can only metabolize/require so many calories/macros at any given time, so any excess calories/macros taken in at that moment will go straight to fat cells. On top of that, when you go more than 2-3 hours without eating you drastically decrease your metabolism because of the thermic effect of food. The easiest way to avoid this is by balancing your calories evenly across all your meals. First determine how many meals you’re feasibly able to eat in a day and then divide your total calories evenly across them (2,000 calories / 6 meals = 333 calories/meal). This will not only ensure that you’re never overeating and sending calories to fat cells, but also that you’re maximizing the thermic effect of food and keeping your metabolism up throughout the day. Humans are meant to be grazers…after all we used to be hunter/gatherers. Try to eat as many small meals/day as you can (5+ recommended)…I eat 7-8 meals/day!

*Tip: wholesome, non-processed food items are typically much lower in calories per serving than processed food items, so you get to eat a lot more without the calories adding up quickly!

  • Not Controlling Carbohydrate Intake- Our bodies are programmed to run on carbohydrates, which makes them crucial for proper mental health and physical performance. The more active you are, the more carbohydrates your body will require to perform and recover properly. Unfortunately, carbohydrates can also very easily contribute to fat cell growth if you’re not a physically active person. In general, if you’re the average sedentary American who does not exercise regularly then your carbohydrate requirements will more than likely be very low. The problem is we live in a time where people are not only becoming more sedentary, but also consuming much more higher glycemic food items (sugary beverages, refined grains, candy/sweets/baked goods, etc…). These types of food items are like “high octane” fuel to the body, which would only be beneficial in restricted amounts to high performing athletes. The best thing you can do is to eat lower glycemic carbohydrate sources (whole grains- old fashioned oats, brown rice/quinoa, sweet potatoes, etc…) in moderate amounts when you’re the most active and then restrict or even eliminate carbohydrates all together when you’re not being active/exercising. 

*Tip: sugar is the enemy to sedentary/overweight people who want to lose body fat. Watch this documentary sometime to learn why!

  • Not Keeping a Food Log/Diary- How can you control your food intake if you’re not keeping a food log? I’ve been following various meal plans for a long time and I still to this day track my intake almost every day even though I know exactly what I’m going to eat. There’s something about seeing what you consume every day in plain black and white that not only brings a sense of accountability, but also helps you to make adjustments in the future to get your desired results. My favorite food log to use is called MyFitnessPal. It’s very user friendly, easy to navigate, and best of all it’s free! When you fill out your profile it will roughly determine for you how many calories you should be eating/day to reach your weight/body composition goals. As long as you log everything you eat/drink and stay under your allotted calories for the day you’ll see results. It’s also a great tool for ensuring you’re balancing your calories properly across your meals and controlling your carbohydrate/sugar intake.

*Tip: follow a strict eating plan every week by logging your food, but make sure to allow yourself 1-2 “cheat” meals a week so you don’t get unmotivated or burned out! You’ll find that after eating properly all week you won’t be able to eat a large, unhealthy meal without feeling blah afterwards!

We live in a time where the “high octane” food items are plentiful and shoved in our face everywhere we go. Don’t make the mistake of not putting some thought and effort into what you’re going to be eating throughout the day. There is no secret or magical pill to maintaining a healthy weight and low body fat percentage, but a good start is to follow my recommendations above and not make these common eating mistakes that are detrimental to your results.

Have a question or comment regarding this article? Feel free to contact me directly if you need help with fitness meal planning and nutrition coaching.

Justin Check, NSCA-CPT, FNC
Check Total Health


Cut Out the Processed Foods

processed food itemsMost people know that processed food items aren’t good for them, yet most American’s diet consists primarily of processed food items. Is it a lack of education or just a lack of concern? For the uneducated, I’m going to go over the 4 most common things found in processed foods that contribute to diabetes and heart disease…both of which are a growing epidemic in our country. I’ll also briefly talk about why you should avoid such foods and what to look for in the list of ingredients and nutrition label to make better food choices.

“We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.” ~Alfred E. Newman 

The 4 Big Offenders to Your Health    

  1. Trans Fats Trans fats are used in processed foods as a cheaper alternative to butter, lard and coconut oil (saturated fats). You’ll find them in most baked goods, crackers, chips, microwave popcorn and fast foods. Trans fats wreak havoc on your arteries by increasing “bad” LDL cholesterol levels and decreasing “good” HDL cholesterol levels. And unlike saturated fats, trans fats also increase your levels of artery clogging triglycerides, which are estimated to cause 30,000-100,000 premature heart disease deaths in America every year. Check the ingredients list for “partially, fractionated, or hydrogenated” oil. These are synonyms for trans fat.
  2. Refined Grains – Food items containing refined grains include white bread, dinner rolls, sugary low-fiber cereal, baked goods, and white pasta. Choosing refined grains over whole grains can increase your risk for heart attack by 30% and also increase your risk for developing diabetes and high blood pressure. Check the ingredients list on grain products before making your purchase. Better grain choices will have these ingredients listed first: whole wheat, whole grain, or oats. The fiber content should be at least 3g per serving. Avoid food items that list flour as the dominant ingredient…even if its whole wheat flour. Once the grain has been broken down and processed into flour it has lost the health benefits that fiber offers.
  3. Sodium (Salt) – High amounts of sodium are hidden in most of the processed food items you eat. It’s used to increase shelf life (as it is a natural preservative) and also to enhance flavor. Sodium is essential to the body to maintain and regulate numerous metabolic processes; however, only in very small amounts. The average American consumes 3x the amount of the USDA’s recommended daily intake for sodium of 1,500 milligrams. Look at the nutrition label on food items for the sodium content and check the % of your daily value that it contains. If it’s more than 25%, put it back!
  4. High-Fructose Corn Syrup – Another chemically modified compound created to be used as a cheaper substitution for traditional sweeteners. Not only does it cost less to make than other sweeteners, but it’s also 10x sweeter. It’s used primarily in sweet beverages, but can also be found in many baked goods and frozen foods. Research suggests that this liquid sweetener interferes with numerous normal metabolic processes, and raises your risk for heart disease and diabetes. Look for the words “corn sweetener, corn syrup, or high-fructose corn syrup.” If it’s listed high up on the ingredients list…put it back!

Make better food choices by reading the nutrition/ingredients  label on all the food items you buy and avoid any that contain high amounts of the above mentioned ingredients. By choosing non-processed or minimally processed food items, you can greatly reduce your risk for many of the leading self-inflicted, killer diseases in America and have a much easier time maintaining a healthy weight.

Be sure to check in regularly to the NO B.S. FITNESS blog for free articles on fitness topics that truly make the difference. Feel free to post any questions/comments you have on the blog forum or on my Facebook business page wall- Check Total Health for a discussion.

To Drink or Not to Drink? Alcohol that is…



We’re getting into the holiday season which means more gatherings and more drinking. Drinking alcohol has been a socially accepted recreation and the focus of parties since the paleolithic era (yes- even cave men got drunk.) Drinking is a hot topic up for speculation in the fitness world and a question I get hopefully asked about by my clients all the time…what about alcohol?

I enjoy drinking just as much as the next person, but I can tell you if you’re serious about getting in shape and as fit as possible then there’s no room for alcohol in your meal plan. There’s a long list of it’s negative effects on the body and performance which is why I limit it as much as possible and I suggest you do the same…here’s why.

1. Calories that take priority and offer no nutritional benefits-  You have your three main macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats…but there’s technically one more- alcohol. What sets alcohol apart is as soon as you begin to consume alcohol it takes precedence in your body to be metabolized and excreted which means fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism shuts down temporarily. When this happens you can guarantee that any of these macronutrient pools in your body will be considered excess and sent to fat cells. Furthermore, alcohol has 7Kcals/g which is almost double carbohydrates and protein at 4Kcals/g…not to mention the sugary mixers we typically use for our cocktails which is a very bad combination (alcohol + sugar = calories to fat stores.) Bottom line is if you’re trying to lose body fat alcohol will quickly add up unwanted calories that offer you no nutritional benefits and more than likely go to fat cells.


2. Alcohol influences the production and effectiveness of certain hormones- Alcohol is one of the few compounds that can easily penetrate cell membrane walls, which is why it’s absorbed almost instantaneously in the stomach. This means that once it’s present in the blood it even penetrates through fat soluble compounds, such as hormones. While the body is trying to metabolize the alcohol present it temporarily must shut down all the major organs/glands of the endocrine system (liver, pancreas, bladder, thyroid, etc…) These organs/glands produce all the good hormones (testosterone, TSH, HGH, etc…) that breakdown fats and carbohydrates and also stimulate protein synthesis for muscle repair and growth.


3. Alcohol lowers inhibitions and effects performance the next day-  I’m not saying that if you drink you’re going to be lazy and make terrible decisions that ruin your life, but people do tend to make terrible eating choices when they’re drinking. Combine the gross feeling of pigging out the night before with the lowered inhibition that comes with the hangover the next day and your workout is certainly going to suffer.


The conclusion is that there’s no benefits to drinking alcohol, so you must try to limit it as much as possible if you’re trying to get or stay fit and in shape. The key is always moderation and make better choices when you’re drinking by choosing lower calorie alcoholic beverages with 0 calorie mixers. Red wine, light beer, and clear spirits with diet soda or club soda are going to be your better choices. If you follow those guidelines and make good eating choices when you do drink then your physique shouldn’t be to negatively affected.

Have a question or comment regarding this article? Feel free to post your comments/questions on the NO B.S. FITNESS blog forum for a discussion or on my Facebook business page- Check Total Health to get answers to your fitness questions.


Healthy Food CAN be Cheaper than Fast Food

healthy vs junk food

One of the most prominent arguments for the cause of the obesity epidemic in the United States is the supposed higher cost of healthy food items…and I can tell you as a personal trainer and nutrition coach that I hear this excuse all the time from people; however, the reality is that most “healthy” wholesome food items are extremely affordable and can even cost less than fast foods if you plan ahead, shop smartly, and prepare your own meals for the day. Just take a look at the example comparison picture above.

What many people don’t realize is that fast foods are only cheaper than healthy foods on a per calorie basis. Healthy/wholesome food items are actually cheaper per edible gram and per average portion than fast food items. An edible gram is used by the USDA for measuring the amount of a food item that falls into one of the major food groups (vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy, and protein foods). Processed fast foods typically have a much lower edible portion that falls into one of the five major food groups, which is why the nutritional value is always much lower. Processed foods also lack nutrients like fiber and phytochemicals which are responsible for the release of hormones that give you the feeling of fullness and prevent you from overeating…another costly issue. The majority of Americans consume a diet that not only fails to meet the USDA’s recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010, but is also an average of 1,100 calories more than their daily caloric needs. The bottom line…fast foods give you more calories for less money; however, most Americans eat way more calories than they require and still don’t meet their bodies nutritional needs.

A hypothetical example: you swing through a drive-thru or stop at a gas station to pick up a popular breakfast item like a doughnut. A glazed doughnut has roughly 240 calories and costs $1.20 and you would probably eat two donuts to feel satisfied. Did you know that a large banana has 5 grams of fiber to fill you up, is only 120 calories, and costs around $0.50/pound for 3-4 bananas, or approximately $.25 each? So if you substitute a large sweet banana for two donuts, you cut the calories to one-third, save money ($2.15 in this example), and receive tons of beneficial nutrients!

Furthermore, overeating calorie dense foods results in obesity and health complications which means costly medical bills. By eating nutritious foods and staying healthy, you’ll save money now from not overeating and in the future by preventing unnecessary medical expenses.

There are affordable healthy food options if you look for them, shop smart, and prepare your food ahead of time. Get the whole family involved so you can buy in bulk. Buy fruits and vegetables that are in season, on sale, and not already prepared…same goes for your proteins. Some of my personal favorites can be found year round and cost less than $0.50 per serving (1 cup). They include beans, rice, oats, apples, potatoes, bananas, and carrots. For optimal nutritional benefits, be sure to eat 4-5  servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day and 3-4 servings of whole grains.

Keep up with all my latest NO B.S. FITNESS blogs and post any comments/questions you have on the blog forum or on my Facebook business page wall for a discussion.


Start Hitting the Weights Ladies!


Want to look good in a bikini? Then start hitting the weights ladies! Above is Stephanie Check competing in her very first NPC Bikini competition. Here she is roughly 105 lbs and trust me…she didn’t get there by doing a bunch of cardiovascular training. She was hitting the weights HARD and HEAVY throughout her entire prep and never did she get big or “bulky” muscles.

One of the most common exercise myths that I come across regularly is that women should avoid lifting “heavy” weights so they don’t get “bulky” muscles. In reality, it’s physiologically impossible for a woman to build large bulky muscles no matter how hard she hits the weights at the gym.

Of course there are certain weight lifting manners and techniques that are more conducive to “bulking up”; however, it all comes down to sex hormones. Men are able to put on bulky muscle mass for one reason only – the male sex hormone- testosterone. Testosterone promotes protein synthesis and increases red blood cell production, which has an anabolic effect on muscle mass and bone density. Women produce very little testosterone and primarily produce the female sex hormone, estrogen. Unfortunately, estrogen is responsible for many unwanted effects on the body such as higher body fat, increased cortisol levels, and fluid retention, as well as decreased muscle mass and bone density; however, by lifting weights women can combat all of these negative side effects that they experience from estrogen.

Weight lifting places stress on your skeletal muscle, tendons, ligaments and bones. Over time, your muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones adapt to this stress to better handle it in the future. One way the body adapts to the stress caused by lifting weights is by reducing estrogen levels and increasing testosterone levels – this is true for both men and women. This does not mean that women will produce testosterone and build big muscles like a man. This simply means that women will experience a small reduction of estrogen and a small increase of testosterone, which results in an increase in: bone density, red blood cell production and metabolism, as well as a decrease in body fat and fluid retention.

Women who lift weights also have a reduced risk for developing heart disease and osteoporosis, which are the top two afflictions women suffer from in the United States today. Every woman can benefit from the health advantages received from regularly engaging in weight training. Just 45-60 minutes of weight training two days per week will greatly increase your physical fitness and decrease your risk for many diseases and disorders.

So to all the females out there who workout regularly…don’t be afraid to lift “heavy” weights for your ability! It’s not going to make you “bulky” and muscular! If it were that easy to get big and muscular I’d be an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder!

Ft. Myers Mobile Personal Trainer

Cropped head shot

Hello! My name is Justin Check, owner/operator of Check Total Health and NSCA certified personal trainer & nutrition coach with over 8 years of experience. Check Total Health is the premier Ft. Myers mobile personal trainer service in SWFL. What separates me from others? Passion, professionalism, and experience!

Look no further- busy moms, workaholics, and sufferers of “gymtimidation!” My Ft. Myers mobile personal trainer and nutrition coaching service makes getting your workouts done easy and extremely convenient. At home, at the park, or even at your job! You can get or stay fit without the hassles that come with going to a gym. I bring it all to you with plenty of variety. Customized workouts designed around your health needs, schedule, and fitness goals. I also give free nutrition coaching and offer meal planning to make sure you get the results you’re looking for! For more information or to learn more about me, visit, or feel free to contact me directly at I look forward to hearing from you!




Probably the trickiest macronutrient in my opinion to get a hold on for conditioning. Too many carbohydrates in your daily diet can easily contribute to fat cells, but too little carbohydrates in your diet will make you feel like ripping someone’s head off and limit your muscle building capability! I know people who have to eat less than 150g carbs/day to not put on fat and then there’s people like me who can eat up to 500g carbs/day without contributing to fat cells. It all comes down to your current conditioning, body type, and how much daily physical activity you get.

Carbohydrates are your fuel. Your body is genetically programmed to recognize carbohydrates as its main source of energy. Carbs are stored throughout the body, primarily in your liver, blood, and skeletal muscle. During exercise, we burn stored carbs in our muscle tissue which are then replaced by either stored carbs in your liver or “free” carbs floating in the blood.

Here’s where it gets tricky. If your blood sugar (carb) levels get too high and your muscle and liver carb capacities are fulfilled, where do you think those blood sugars get sent? Right to fat cells! So your carbohydrate needs will depend on your carbohydrate capacity (amount your body can store in the liver and skeletal muscle) and how much daily physical activity you do. There’s 2 ways to increase your carb needs and they both go hand and hand:

1. Increase your total capacity– one of the major benefits and adaptations that takes place from regularly engaging in resistance training is your body naturally increases it’s macronutrient capacities, primarily carbohydrates. The more you workout, the more your body will adapt to better handle that stress which means increasing it’s fuel (carbs) capacity.

2. Increase your total workload– Most of the time during exercise our bodies will tap into various fuel sources. You’ve probably heard that working out at a lower intensity will allow your body to use stored calories (fat) for fuel and working out at a higher intensity will burn more carbohydrates for fuel….and there is some truth to that; however, your body is never just burning carbohydrates or just burning fat for fuel. Rather, it’s more complex than that and usually a combination of the two depending on the intensity and type of exercise you’re doing. The bottom line is the best way to increase your carb capacity and workload is to do a combination of higher intensity training (such as cross training or vigorous cardio) and lower intensity training (such as resistance training or low/slow cardio). Both have their benefits for increasing your carb capacity and should be done regularly, but the combo will depend on your fitness goals. It’s pretty simple…the more you workout, the more carbohydrates you can eat.

The next tricky part with carbs is the amount, timing, and type. I could spend days writing about these topics, so I’m going to try to keep it simple.

Amount– we discussed above how your carb capacity is determined and how to increase it. In general, I suggest an active person to make at least 40% of their total calories carbohydrates (the USDA recommends 45-65%) . Carbohydrates have 4 calories/gram, so if you’re on a 2,000 calorie diet then you would start off eating roughly 200g carbs/day and then adjust up or down according to your weight goals/fluctuations, energy levels, and activity level.

Timing- there’s two times of the day when carbohydrates are crucial, even if you’re on a low-carb diet. Your first meal after you’ve slept and fasted for hopefully 6-8 hours and then immediately post-workout. Everyone should consume carbohydrates during these times as your carb stores are depleted during these times. As your physical activity decreases, so should your carbohydrate intake. I workout in the morning, so I have a first meal of complex and simple carbohydrates and then a meal with simple carbs right after my workout. Then for the rest of the day I start reducing and switching to more complex carbohydrates until dinner where I have very little (mainly vegetable sources of carbs).

Type- as to keep it simple we’ll just say there’s primarily two types of carbohydrates- simple and complex, even though with all the food items available today most are a combo of the two. Simple carbs (such as sugary beverages, cereals, breads, white rice, white potatos, etc…) will digest and absorb into your blood stream more quickly as opposed to complex carbs (fibrous carbs, brown rice, whole oats, sweet potatoes, etc…) which will digest and release into the blood stream more slowly. So, if you’re in a fasted or depleted state (like right when you wake up or right after vigorous exercise) it would make more sense to ingest simple carbs during that time to get your stores back up quickly and spare your muscle tissue from potential atrophy. Complex carbs should be utilized to keep a steady digestion of carbs into the blood stream to minimize insulin spikes when your liver and muscle capacities are already high.

Everyone’s needs and body is different, so trial and error is the only way to figure out your carbohydrate needs; however, I always recommend starting off with 40% carbohydrates of your total calories/day and adjusting accordingly. Keep the simple carbs for only post-workout and some at breakfast and then stick with more complex carbohydrates as you become less active.

Feel free to post any questions/comments on my website or FB business page for a discussion. NO B.S. FITNESS!

Keep the Supplements Simple

showpicThe supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. There number one target…naive, overweight Americans looking for quick fix solutions to getting to a healthy weight. Well I’m here to tell you that 90% of the supplements on the market today are for the most part a waste of money. Take a look at my physique competition picture.  I’m going to tell you exactly what supplements I was taking throughout my 5 1/2 month prep period to get to that conditioning.

1. Isolate Whey Protein Powder– Utilized primarily as my post-workout protein source (45g-50g). Isolate whey protein is simply whey (milk) protein where everything has been removed except the amino acids (proteins). No carbohydrates and no fats, just pure protein. Most isolate protein powders are hydrolized, which makes them extremely easy to digest and absorbed very quickly…which is good after a hard workout of resistance training.

2. BCAA’s– Utilized primarily intra-workout or post-workout depending on if I was having a slower digesting protein source after my workout like a lean meat. BCAA’s are found in all complete protein sources, so if you’re eating plenty of protein most of the time they’re not even necessary. When your macronutrient capacities and demands are very high they can be beneficial during or immediately after a long, hard bout of exercise.

3. Digestive Enzymes– When you’re eating as many calories as I was you want to maximize macronutrient breakdown and digestion. Digestive enzymes help to do this if you take them consistently. I would take 1-2 capsules every other meal. I will caution you that I’ve heard they can cause some people gas, but I did not experience this.

4. Omega Fatty Acids- Omega fatty acids are crucial for numerous reasons (muscle growth, joint health, hormone production, protein transports…among others). When you’re eating extremely clean and controlling every gram of fat you intake, you have to supplement in some healthy fats to your diet. I use an omega supplement that has a variety of different omega-3 and 6 fatty acids.

5. Creatine Monohydrate- This one I have mixed feeling about whether it’s necessary for physique conditioning purposes. Creatine is a form of energy stored in muscle tissue that’s used primarily during quick, power type movements when oxygen supplies are limited and glycogen breakdown takes to long to yield energy for the movement. Unless you’re a power lifter or someone doing very high-intensity type movements frequently for your workouts I wouldn’t suggest creatine to clients. It also tends to make you feel bloated and hold more water.

6. Pre-Workout Drinks- Pre-workout drinks aren’t for everybody, but I definitely get better pumps and more energy when I drink them before I workout. Most pre-workout drinks are combinations of stimulants, vaso-dilators, nitric oxide boosters, and creatine. The more efficiently your heart can pump fresh oxygenated blood to your hard working muscles, the less fatigued you’ll get and the harder/longer you can workout. All the above mentioned ingredients help with this.

That’s it! KISS-keep it simple stupid! Keep the supplements limited. If you’re eating a well balanced diet and exercising regularly you don’t need a bunch of costly supplements. And please don’t waste your money on “fat burners.” All fat burners are just stimulants and/or thermogenics that increase your heart rate and body temperature which slightly increases your metabolism. Exercising and eating properly portioned meals every 2-3 hours will keep your metabolism rocking!


Please feel free to post any questions or comments on my website or FB business page wall for a discussion! NO B.S. FITNESS!