I get asked all the time…how much I exercise?…how many days/week?… How long?… What type of workouts I do?… Etc. So I’ve decided to share with you the basic structure of my current exercise program. Please keep in mind that my exercise program is not necessarily appropriate for you, your current condition, your fitness goals, or your body type. Also keep in mind that this is an exercise program that I’m currently following for my CURRENT GOALS, which change periodically throughout the year.
My Exercise Program (in a nut-shell)
5 days/week of resistance training that focuses on 1 to a maximum of 2 muscle groups (back, chest, bi’s, tri’s, legs, shoulders, abs) for 60-75 minutes. I’ll typically do 6-8 different isolation exercises per workout, depending on what muscle(s) I’m focusing on. I always isolate larger muscle groups alone for a single workout (legs, back), but will alternate week to week pairing two different smaller muscle groups (bi’s & tri’s or shoulder’s & abs or chest & bi’s or shoulder’s & tri’s) together in 1 or 2 different workouts. I change up training techniques every 2-3 weeks for each muscle group as well. Some weeks I may perform lots of slow eccentric movements or “negatives” and other weeks I switch to incorporating more power/explosive movements…among others. I also try to constantly switch up what exercises I start and end with for each muscle group as you tend to go heavier in the beginning and lighter towards the end of a workout and it’s good to go heavy and light for different exercises. I do not have designated days for a particular muscle group. I go by how my body feels and what muscle group feels fully recovered and fresh to destroy!
1 day/week of cross training (CrossFit) where I focus on a lot of multi-joint/ full-body movements, as well as calisthenics. The idea is to keep my heart rate very elevated while performing resistance training to increase muscle V02 capacity and muscle glycogen capacity (endurance). I’ll typically do a circuit of 6-8 different exercises for 45-60 minutes in duration with minimal breaks (4-5) 30-60 second breaks.
2 days/week of moderate cardiovascular training done separately only on days where I’ve worked a smaller muscle group (arms, abs, etc..), but never on cross training days or on large muscle group days (legs, back). This is a workout focused on burning fat and sweating as much as possible, so I’ll do walk/jog intervals outside in the middle of the day for 30-45 minutes. I keep it at a very moderate intensity level as to not burn to many carbohydrates and I always do my cardio training several hours after resistance training to make sure I’m not depriving my muscles!
1 day/week of complete rest!
That’s my current exercise program for my current goals. If you have questions about what you should be doing in your exercise program for your fitness goals, please feel free to contact me for some guidance!
Be sure to check back soon to my blog or on my Facebook business page for my next blog on my current meal plan and nutritional intake. Feel free to post any questions/comments you have on my Facebook business page wall. NO B.S. FITNESS blog!