It’s important to master delicious ways to prepare your healthy food so you don’t burn out and resort to JUNK FOOD. Remember to eat clean and train mean as often as you can. Here are some of our go-to recipes for clean eating anytime of the day!
Partially Plant Based:
Chickpea Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Plant Based Sausage Egg & Rice Bakes
Roasted Potato & Lentil Kale Salad
Breakfast (Alphabetical):
Peanut Butter Chocolate Pudding
Tropical Snapper & Roasted Carrots
Poultry – Chicken & Eggs
Poultry – Turkey
Apple Cider Dijon Pork Tenderloin
Beef & Wild Game
Vegetables (Alphabetical)
Blistered Tomatoes & Green Beans
Brussel Sprout Green Goddess Salad
Pickled Green Beans and Red Onions
Grains & Starches (Alphabetical)
Balsamic Thyme Butternut Squash
Fruit (Alphabetical)
*The exact portions for every featured recipe will vary per person. Contact us for more details on your portions and macronutrient breakdown per meal/per day!